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Twixt Branding

Sandal Magna, Sandal, Wakefield

A black and white aerial photograph (Aerofilms reference number A182999) showing Sandal Magna.  Manygates Middle School is in the centre, with Milnthorpe Lane on the left and Manygates Lane on the right.  Duke of York Avenue runs down the left side of the photograph.  Miller Avenue is on the right.  Internal Reference: WR (LS) Aerial photos 182999

Image reference: xl06855

Description: A black and white aerial photograph (Aerofilms reference number A182999) showing Sandal Magna. Manygates Middle School is in the centre, with Milnthorpe Lane on the left and Manygates Lane on the right. Duke of York Avenue runs down the left side of the photograph. Miller Avenue is on the right. Internal Reference: WR (LS) Aerial photos 182999

Keywords: school, road, house, tree, field, car, people

Place name(s): WF2, Sandal

Date(s): 1969

Date added to archive: 14/11/2003

Original rights: Aerofilms Series

Permission rights: Aerofilms Ltd

Digital rights: WMDC Libraries and Information Services

Digital publisher: WMDC, Education and Cultural Services, Libraries and Information Services
